Utilizing Content Leaders to Improve Instruction

I had the pleasure of attending this session hosted by N. Bono.  I have always wanted to learn more about becoming a content leader (science).  She didn't disappoint, I most definitely gained knowledge in this session.  She discussed the history of content leader program, the purpose, and recent updates.  I also had the pleasure of meeting other educattors from different parishes.  I was impressed with callaboration of the content leaders and how vested they were in improving practices in their school system.  We discussed the curriculum used at their school and additional supports they could provide for their fellow coworkers.  They represented their school system well.  During this session have I met teachers from across the state that are passionate about their practice. After many conversations I came this conclusion:  

"A Schools Make A Moves"

Utilizing content leaders effectively can assists in achieving school/district goals and effectiveness of your teachers in the classroom.  I was impressed  the vertical alignment of their school systems across the board:  elementary to middle school to high school.  Each core subject uses the same type of curriculum across the board.  I love hearing their administrators were supportive, they knew their roles in their schools and districts vision, and how they were used effectively in the classroom.  This is one high points in Ms. Bono's session 

Highlights and Key Takeaways


  • Created to strengthen teachers skills through access to ongoing professional development that aspire new and experience teachers.
  • 2018 BESE created approved training
  • Vital to the leadership pipeline
  • Has several approved providers for ELA, Math, Science, and K-2 Literacy 
Policy Updates
  • Reduced the number of required microcrendentials 5 to 4
  • Training 9 modules
At first, the best educators for course subjects were picked for these roles.  As a result the same teachers were being picked repeatedly for leadership roles.   When implementing content leaders administrators need decide what to focus on.  Logistics were one of the major issues with implementation of content leaders often vendors came and lead PLC's with educators.  For examples content leaders can lead common planning time (PLC) utilizing high quality/tier 1 content.

Example-Science Content Leaders
  • 3D Learning
  • Building understanding thru Phenomena-Based Curriculum
  • Sense-making 
  • Leading Common Planning Time (PLC's, lesson planning etc)
  • Assessments- Performance Based-must provide evidence
To Impact Instruction:
Recruiting is important
Experience making 
Knowledgable about curricular tools
Has the ability or potential to teach

Needs ongoing feedback and support
Mentor Teacher/Content Leaders are part of the leadership team
Need to understand the school vision
Need to meet together. 


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