2021 -Reflection-Gorilla Glue Girl: Chemical Reactions and Bonding

Day 1   

 When my students seen this book for the first time their eyes got big.  I was prepping them for their periodic table exam.  They wanted to know if the book was their next project.  Probably so, I responded.  When they realized we were going to complete the book you can see the excitement.  I don't what it is about the gorilla glue girl phenomenon, the one child that never speaks in class has a voice.  My students took out their science notebooks.  We watched the phenomenon.  Then we proceeded to Notice and Wonder.  I allow my students to share out and I typed their questions in pinup tool.   Students then drew an initial model and participated in sticky note feedback.  After looking at their initial models and feedback.  I realized we needed to go over norms again for productive feedback. I made them do the feedback over again and it improved.

Video for Phenomenon

Initial Models

I realized I made an error with the glue so I recreated the worksheet.

The Class Consensus Model

The others are located in the pin up tool. 

Link to pinup tool

I can't remember what happened this day.  I do remember the internet was running slow. So 1st and 2nd Block testable questions are not posted. 

2nd Block

1st Block

4th Block

After receiving feedback from their peers, I let them revised their models.  We came together as a class and created our consensus model. We discussed relating phenomenon students came up with the following scenarios:  welding, lace front wigs, quick weaves, getting your nails done.  Then we generated testable questions 


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